Friday, 9 December 2011

New Etsy Shop

Due to popular demand which has arisen from my marabou stork paintings being featured in the Guardian last month I have decided to produce very small print runs of the said paintings.  I am so pleased about the response to them as I thought I was the only person who loved marabous! - the series of oils were purely painted out of my love for them - I never dreamed any of them would sell! - Wonders never cease. It has encouraged me to continue painting and I am very exciting about my next painting project which will be turkeys and pigeons. They will all be for sale in my super etsy shop which  will be dedicated to showcasing my more unusual work outside my ceramic dogs like the marabous and also the new experimental multi media work which I have been threatening to make for a year but a little Rat called Reggie has been very demanding with my time!. I am determined to take a few weeks off over Christmas and start my new work - my aim is to launch it to galleries at the BCTF in April so I have a deadline to work to which is good.  I want to start with needle felting and then we shall see where it takes me - I am very keen to start work in textiles again.  As of next week I will be closing my online shop on my website and replacing it with my etsy shop as I need something more easily updatable - my ceramics can still be ordered by email/phone etc, anyway that's it for now so fingers crossed I will allow myself some time off to experiment - watch this space...!